
The Dora Green Educational Trust administers a fund dedicated to the legacy of Dora Green.  This fund is available to girls and boys under the age of 25  who want to improve their personal prowess in one of the following areas:


About Dora Green Educational Trust

This memorial fund is the legacy of the extraordinary life and energy of Dora Stanier Green.  Her story is one of a remarkable woman with a passion for education and an equally powerful passion that women should have equal rights with men, and the enduring legacy that she left…

Making an application for a Dora Green grant

Please note the following:


  • Applicants must be resident in West Sussex, East Sussex or Hampshire.
  • Grants up to a maximum of 75% of the total cost may be awarded. We will require a detailed financial plan indicating how the project will be financed.
    • For Individuals – up to £10,000
    • For Organisations – up to £25,000
  • If you have received funding elsewhere for your initiative you are still eligible to submit an application request for top-up funding.


If you are under 25 and are looking to develop yourself in one of the areas identified above you are welcome to submit a funding application request.  Grants are awarded mainly but not exclusively for the benefit of girls.


If you are a group, school, college or other organisation formally registered whose aims are to enhance the personal qualities of people under the age of 25 you are eligble to submit an application request for funding.

Annual application cycle

Click on a stage Icon to read more information.

Stage 1
Submit Application

Complete the appropriate form via this website.  Select the form from the Contact button in the menu at the top of this page.

Stage 2
Internal Review

Applications are reviewed every 3 months at the end of March, June, September and December.

Stage 3
Review Outcome

Applicants will be contacted within 3 weeks following the next review date after their application is received.

Stage 4

Funding will be released in line with your project plan.

Stage 5
Progress Report

After 12 months a Progress Report together with photos and plans for the future is required.